There are many roads to take along this path. Everyone is different so every therapy is different. What works for one does not always work for another. Finding what works, together, becomes the way through the symptoms. In my experience working with men and women of diversity, symptoms, like depression and anxiety, can become the loudest part of living when what we want and who we are has remained silent for too long. A depth oriented approach not only listens to what is being said, but helps an individual listen for what isn’t being said and what hasn’t been said yet.

In my practice I specialize in working with men and women with diverse stories. Complex trauma, adult relationships, and addictions of all kinds are not uncommon. I specialize in depth psychology; essentially a way of thinking that believes lasting change comes from understanding the totality of who we are - and that in order to get rid of the “weeds” in our stories, we dig them up from their roots instead of cosmetically lopping off their tops. People who are seeking to know why what ails them ails them enter into a deeper commitment in my consulting room to know themselves. This ultimately leads to an experience of living a fuller life.